Talks and conference presentations
Acoustic disambiguation of homophones in a multi-lingual corpus. Talk given at ''Morphosyntax Lab Meeting'', University of Potsdam, 22 Jan 2025.
Impossible boundaries? On broken words and prosodic phrasing. Talk given at 21st International Congress of Linguists (ICL), Poznan, 9 Sep 2024.
Full Rebirthing: Some features are late bloomers. Talk given at the workshop ''Traces in Phonology and Morphology'', Leipzig University, 19 Feb 2024.
Vowel and consonant length in the DoReCo corpus. Talk given at the workshop ''Vowel and consonant quantity in Germanic, Indo-European and beyond'', University of Zurich, 2 Feb 2024, with Matthew Stave and Frank Seifart.
Using DoReCo to study segmental duration across languages. Talk given at the General Linguistics Colloquium, University of Göttingen, 14 Nov 2023.
Final lengthening across various sound classes in a language documentation corpus of Lower Sorbian. Poster presented at ICPhS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, 9 Aug 2023.
Disruptive and ultradisruptive pauses: Evidence from DoReCo. Talk given at Efficiency in grammar: Patterns and Explanations, University of Freiburg, 5 Jul 2023.
The typology of the temporal fine structure of speech: Lengthening and pauses in spoken corpora from 51 languages. Talk given at MAMPF Colloquium, LMU (Munich), 28 Jun 2023, with Frank Seifart.
Retour d’expérience sur le projet DoReCo (Language Documentation Reference Corpus). Talk given at glose2023: Corpus Glosés: de la construction à l'exploitation automatique, Paris (hybrid event), 28 Jun 2023, with Matthew Stave, François Pellegrino, François Delafontaine, and Frank Seifart.
Corpus-based approaches to segmental duration. Talk given at SRPP Colloquium, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, 27 Jan 2023.
A cross-linguistic perspective on boundary-adjacent shortening and lengthening. Talk given at ALT 2022, Austin (TX), 16 Dec 2022, with Frederic Blum.
Beobachtungen zur Finalen Dehnung vor Sprechpausen im Niedersorbischen. Talk given at 14. Deutscher Slavistiktag, Ruhr-University Bochum, 23 Sep 2022.
Final Lengthening - a universal phenomenon? Insights from 25 languages. Talk given at Phonologiekolloquium, Goethe-University Frankfurt, 24 Nov 2021.
Differences between male and female speakers in the production of /s/: A cross-linguistic study. Talk given at P&P 17, Goethe-University Frankfurt (virtual conference), 29 Sep 2021, with Susanne Fuchs and Frank Seifart.
Final and prefinal lengthening in 13 languages. Talk given at the Prosodic boundary phenomena workshop, 43. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Freiburg (virtual conference), 24 Feb 2021, with Susanne Fuchs and Frank Seifart.
How vowel length interacts with final lengthening: A corpus study. Talk given at the 18th Old World Conference on Phonology, Eivissa (virtual conference), 28 Jan 2021, with Susanne Fuchs and Frank Seifart.
Hat phonologische Vokallänge einen Einfluss auf finale Dehnung? Antworten aus dem DoReCo-Korpus. Talk given at Kolloquium Korpuslinguistik und Phonetik, Humboldt University of Berlin, 27 Jan 2021, with Susanne Fuchs and Frank Seifart.
Phonological vowel length interacts with final lengthening. Poster presented at ISSP 2020, Providence, RI (virtual conference), 16 Dec 2020, with Susanne Fuchs and Frank Seifart.
A cross-linguistic database for speech rate analysis. Poster presented at LSA 2020, New Orleans, LA, 04 Jan 2020, with Matt Stave, Frank Seifart and Manfred Krifka.
Assessing cross-linguistic similarity with Sound Comparisons. Talk given at SLE 52, Leipzig University, 22 Aug 2019, with Paul Heggarty.
Some remarks on the four-way phonation contrast in Bzhedugh Adyghe. Poster presented at ICPhS 2019, Melbourne, 05 Aug 2019.
Sound Comparisons: A new online database and resource for research in phonetic diversity. Talk given at ICPhS 2019, Melbourne, 05 Aug 2019, with Paul Heggarty.
Sound Comparisons: Eine Onlinedatenbank zur Erforschung phonetischer Vielfalt. Talk given at Vielfaltslinguistik 2019
, Cologne, 28 Mar 2019, with Paul Heggarty.
Morphological accent in Lakota. Talk given at Micro-Workshop on Accent
, Leipzig University, 29 Jan 2019.
Glottolog 3.3: Some problems – and proposed solutions. Talk given at the DLCE Journal Club, MPI-SHH, Jena, 13 Dec 2018, with Paul Heggarty.
Anti-cyclic mutation in Stratal Containment. Talk given at NELS 48, Reykjavík, 27 Oct 2017.
The place hierarchy is still alive: Evidence from Lakota. Talk given at Markedness: Perspectives in Morphology and Phonology, Goethe University Frankfurt, 13 Jul 2017.
Beobachtungen zur Prosodie in russischen Regionalsprachen. Talk given at Slavistisches Kolloquium, University of Göttingen, 14 Jun 2017.
Overapplication in Seereer is not backcopying. Poster presented at 25mfm, Manchester, 26 May 2017.
Wordhood at all levels: A stratal account of minimality effects in Kharia. Poster presented at OCP 14, Duesseldorf, 21 Feb 2017.
Clicks in interaction from a cross-linguistic perspective: A construction-based approach. Talk given at ConSOLE XXIV, York (UK), 08 Jan 2016, with Matías Guzmán Naranjo.
Vowel colouring patterns in Bzhedugh Adyghe: Evidence for cumulative constraint interaction. Talk given at ConSOLE XXIV, York (UK), 06 Jan 2016.
Floating, but ordered: An account of Sye verb root alternations. Poster presented at NELS 46, Montreal, 16 Oct 2015, with Peter Staroverov.
Russisch-Evenischer Sprachkontakt. Beobachtungen zur Sprache der Altsiedler in Sibirien und im Fernen Osten. Talk given at 12. Deutscher Slavistentag, Gießen, 02 Oct 2015, with Christian Sappok.
Tiefe vs. nicht-tiefe Abschlüsse: Beobachtungen zur Intonation in der russischen Spontansprache. Talk given at 12. Deutscher Slavistentag, Gießen, 02 Oct 2015.
An acoustic analysis of fricatives in Temirgoy Adyghe. Talk given at ICPhS 18, Glasgow, 11 Aug 2015.
When boundaries become central: on clicks, rhythm breaks and boundary tones in Russian. Talk given at Urban Voices: linguistic variation and communicative diversity, St. Petersburg, 25 Jun 2015.
Russisch-Evenische Interferenzen in der Sprache der Altsiedler im Fernen Osten -- phonetisch induziert, phonologisch katalysiert oder parallel verlaufend? Talk given at Junge Slavistik im Dialog X, Kiel, 11 Apr 2015.
Boundary tones indicate turn allocation in Russian. Talk given at ConSOLE XXIII, Paris, 8 Jan 2015.
RuReg: Eine Datenbank russischer Regionalsprache. Talk given at Junge Slavistik im Dialog IX, Kiel, 11 Apr 2014.
The Circassian languages: Phonetic detail and typological conclusions. Invited talk given at Surrey Morphology Group, 13 Nov 2013.